Sofia Reyes Gets Real About New Single 1, 2, 3 featuring Jason Derulo and De La Ghetto Exc

May 2024 · 7 minute read

With over seven million streams on Spotify in less than two weeks of its release, Sofia Reyes‘ “1, 2, 3” is the catchy, new tune you need on your playlist ASAP.

The upbeat track is a breath of fresh air when it comes to diversity, as it features English and Spanish lyrics with pop, Latin, and urban vibes from Sofia, American superstar Jason Deruloand Puerto Rican rapper De La Ghetto.

“I wrote the song about a year and a half ago and have been waiting a long time to release it,” the 22-year-old told us about the track. “There’s just so many different emotions when thinking about it — I’m so excited, anxious, happy, and proud of “1, 2, 3.” I really believe in it, and I want people to hear it, see what they think about it and how they feel about it.”

She continued, “Also, the chance to have this feature with Jason Derulo and De La Ghetto – it’s huge! I literally wake up every morning and can’t believe this is happening. I really don’t know what’s going on. I’m so so so excited and so proud of the whole team for this big accomplishment.”

In between a crazy schedule of meetings, interviews, and fashion shows in New York City, Sofia took the time to meet up with Celeb Secrets to talk about the entire process behind “1, 2, 3,” her unique sense of style, and singing in both English and her native language Spanish.

Keep up with Sofia Reyes by following her on Instagram at @sofiareyesp.

Celeb Secrets: Can you tell us about your musical journey and how you got to where you are today?

Sofia Reyes: “I’m from Monterrey, Mexico. I moved to LA what I was 17; I’m 22 now, so it’s been 5 years. I’ve been singing since I was 8/9 years old but when I was 12, I got to go to a real studio and have the opportunity to record original songs. After that, I did castings for TV shows and then I moved to Guadalupe, Mexico for a girl band, went back to Monterrey and then to Los Angeles. I moved with my managers to LA and decided to take the risk and follow our dreams. We started an independent label and released a couple of songs on YouTube – original songs, at first in English and then partnered up with Warner Latina and released my first single.”

That’s so amazing. Did you face any challenges by making the jump from Monterrey to Los Angeles? 

“At first, people were questioning why I was singing in English since I’m Mexican, but honestly, I think everyone has been reacting in a really positive way! I consider myself very lucky.”

How is it coming to the US and having people listen to your music?

“It’s crazy! Actually, Charlie (my manager) just showed me a photo of his friend in China who was listening to my song “How to Love” on the radio. That’s just so cool! And I got to perform “How to Love” with Cash Cash last year at a club and people knew it from the beginning to the end. It was so much fun! A different experience for sure, and I really hope this next song is going to do well. I feel like it will and that’s why I’m really excited/anxious about it.”

Tell us about the song!

“So the name of the song is “1, 2 ,3” (uno, dos, tres) and I’m very, very excited because I wrote the song like a year and a half ago and have been waiting a long time to release it. There’s just so many different emotions when thinking about it — I’m just so excited, anxious, happy, and proud of “1, 2, 3.” I just really believe in it, and I want people to finally hear it, see what they think about it and how they feel about it. Also, the chance to have this feature with Jason Derulo and De La Ghetto – it’s huge! I literally wake up every morning and can’t believe this is happening. I really don’t know what’s going on. I’m so so so excited and so proud of the whole team for this big accomplishment.”

Wow. It sounds like you are super passionate about this record. Can you give us an inside look as to how “1, 2, 3” was written, recorded, and how the features with Jason and De La Ghetto came about?

“Originally the song was written in Spanish – like fully in Spanish – and I wrote it with a couple of friends, including my best friend. Thinking about where the song started, I always get a little emotional and excited for myself because and when we wrote the song, it wasn’t even for me. We just wrote the song for fun and then the song went through an English version. My manager Charlie was part of the session as well and we went through so many different versions — Spanish, English, and a little bit of both. I remember a couple of months ago, Charlie saying “I want Jason Derulo on this song.” I was like “I do too! But is that possible?” He’s like “yeah, we’re going to make it” and then weeks later, he said Jason heard the song, loved it and wanted to cut some vocals. Later, we decided we wanted a Latin rapper on the track too, as we thought it would bring strength to the song. We decided to go with De La Ghetto and I’m so happy we did. I met De La Ghetto in Monterrey at a show we both had and he’s the best; I love him. We shot the video a month ago and it was so much fun shooting with them — they’re amazing! I’m so happy they’re featured on this song, but the important thing is that they’re excited for it. They’re like “let’s do this, it’s going to be the best, we’re going to so much to make this song so big.” They’re team players and that’s amazing.”

You mentioned cutting multiple versions of “1, 2, 3” in different languages. Do you like singing in Spanish or English?

“It’s such a hard question to answer, but I like singing in both. Obviously, Spanish is my first language and easier for me to communicate, but I love both and writing in both. Somehow, it’s easier for me to write in English.”

Do you have anything else planned for the year?

Aside from promoting “1, 2, 3,” I’m going to be releasing another song. It’s not my single but it’s featuring. I can’t say a lot about it yet, but I want this year to be one where I release a lot of music. I’m doing a lot of sessions, planning shows, performances.”

You’re very popular on social media! You have almost half a million followers with an on-point feed. How do you get the perfect Instagram picture?

“I’ve always been very intense with that. I downloaded this app where I put my pictures in order before I post them. Of course, if we take a picture and I love it, I’ll just post it. But sometimes I just spend hours like before I got to sleep being like “should I post this?” I really waste time on that!”

You’re very stylish as well! How would you describe your style?

“That’s a good question! I feel like all of us keep changing style. I think that happens to all of us and you look at a picture from like year ago and you go “what was I thinking?” I would say Tomboy-ish and I love trying new stuff!”

Do you have a favorite piece that you like to incorporate into your outfits?

“Rings! Every day. When I forget my rings because I’m late or whatever, I feel naked. Jewelry in general! I love rings, I love necklaces. Somehow a month ago I started wearing necklaces and now I have so many. I have phases! And I love shoes.”

Since we are Celeb Secrets – what is a secret people would not know about you?

“There’s an old woman inside of me! As in, I always want to be in my bed, PJs, Netflix, or like read or whatever. I just want to be in my bed and wearing masks. I don’t know if people think I’m always partying or whatever, but I just like want to be in my bed.”

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  • Juliet Schroder

    Juliet is the founder and executive producer/host of Celeb Secrets and Celeb Secrets Country. When not reporting on the latest news in pop culture and country music, she enjoys traveling, spending time with friends and family, watching sports and exploring the latest fashion trends. Juliet holds a B.S. in marketing from St. John's University.
