The Hardy Boys... Who Cares?

June 2024 ยท 2 minute read
The Hardys had and may still have all the potential in the world, but they have blown opportunity several times. It's not the Internet's fault or the the fans. It falls on them.

Jeff had how many wellness violations in WWE? Despite two violations, WWE gambles on him and still gives him the world, and Jeff still decides to leave. That's fine. If he wanted to leave for a while to recharge the batteries, I have no problem with that. If he wanted to retire and enjoy life, I have no problem with that. Nope, a few months later, he gets arrested for having a shitload of drugs in his home.

So.... TNA a few months later decides, "hey! let's bring him in!" It took a while, but they finally got what they deserved when Jeff showed up at the PPV main event a few months back and was in no condition to wrestle. Hmmm.... who's fault was it that Jeff decided to F himself up prior to a main event match on a PPV?

Matt Hardy - the guy who starves for so much attention that he has to post videos and say outlandish things on Twitter to get people to talk about him. He doesn't have to resort to such shenanigans because a lot of people already like him.

The guy lets himself go towards the end of his WWE run, looks terrible, and starts mouthing off again begging to be released. He gets it. Shows up in TNA, and to his credit, has gotten into great shape and seems to be doing well on camera. Yet you now have him posting stupid videos of him and Jeff obviously messed up, playing around with a taser!

Right, when someone like Jeff has federal drug charges hanging on him and obviously has a problem (see the TNA PPV earlier this year), it is SO SMART for someone like Matt to go drinking with his brother, film themselves riding on tractor and playing with a taser, and then POST IT ON THE INTERNET!

The Hardys do a lot of silly and sometimes, just stupid things and people are going to talk about it. I don't see anything unfair about that.
