Khloe Kardashian goes out without makeup, and the world freaks out

May 2024 · 3 minute read

As with most things Kardashian and Kardashian-related, there’s no real story to go along with the images. People just like to look at photos of anyone named Kardashian (unless it’s Kourtney, I guess), sometimes to laugh, sometimes to cry, sometimes to mock, sometimes to learn (what not to do). These are new photos of Khloe Kardashian in Miami yesterday. The family Kardashian has pretty much relocated everything to Miami over the past few weeks – I guess they’re filming a new season. How long does it take for them to film a “season”? Like, three weeks? Such is the life of a reality star.

Anyway, everyone is talking about the photos of Khloe without makeup – apparently, she was heading into the gym. I get that some people are like, “OMG, Khloe without makeup, SNARK, SNARK.” Obviously, she doesn’t look her best. Obviously, she actually looks kind of rough. But I’m also including photos of Khloe later on in the day, after her workout and when she took the time to pour herself into a too-small dress, and spackle on some makeup. Does she even look better in those photos? Eh. Not really.

I’d always held Khloe up as the “natural” Kardashian, The Real Girl in a family of phonies. But I think I might have to come to terms with the idea that Khloe is getting tweaked too. That’s what these photos say to me – she’s getting lip injections and… I don’t even know. She just looks different. And I’m so tired of her trying to dress like her sisters. Dear Khloe: your sisters look horrible when they wear those clothes too, so why are you even trying to compete at that level?

Meanwhile, did you know that Khloe has signed on to host The X-Factor? True story. I don’t think she’s going to be a judge… everyone keeps saying “host”. Which means… what? She’ll be the one throwing to commercials, I guess. It’s a decent enough gig for her. But it’s causing major problems, at least in the tabloids. Sources claim Kim “is worried that Khloe is going to become more famous than her because of her X Factor gig. She has been snappy lately and saying things to Khloe like, ‘I should be a co-host with you’, or the other extreme, ‘The X Factor job is going to be totally stressful, are you sure you are up for this type of thing?’ Khloe wishes Kim would just be happy for her but there has always been some sort of competition between the girls. Kim’s biggest fear is that she will become irrelevant like Paris Hilton!” Meanwhile, The Enquirer is trying to claim that Khloe’s marriage is in trouble because Lamar is upset about the X-Factor gig too – go here to read that story.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
