How to change skins and outfits in The Callisto Protocol?

June 2024 ยท 4 minute read

It's a rare sight to see games performing well on launch day. The Callisto Protocol, like several other titles, had a very buggy launch. The game was unplayable due to severe stuttering issues, even on high-end consoles.

The game progresses through waves of enemies, some of which are easily defeated while others may necessitate more effort. While it may appear unusual in a survival game, The Callisto Protocol allows players to customize their avatars with skins as they progress through the game.

Here's how players in The Callisto Protocol can apply these skins to their characters.

Changing skins in The Callisto Protocol

Changing skins in The Callisto Protocol is not a difficult task. To begin, players must do the following:

There are multiple skins that are already available in the game. These skins are as follows:

The Gore Skin is a Twitch drop, while the Engineer Skin, Outer Way Skin, and Watchtower Skin are all Season Pass items. The Engineer Skin can be found in the season pass Riot Bundle while the Watchtower Skin can be found in the season pass Contagion Bundle.

Here's where things start getting really interesting. Based on the information available on The Callisto Protocol's official Twitter page, the Season Pass content will see a staggered release in 2023. The post implies that the Season Pass, along with a free update of Hardcore Mode and New Game+, will be released on February 7, 2023.

The Outer Way bundle, which includes the Outer Way skin, will also be available on February 7, 2023. The Contagion bundle will be released in March 2023, followed by the Riot bundle in Spring 2023. The final update will be a Story DLC, which will be released in the summer of 2023.

For now, this is how the entire roadmap looks for the next six months in The Callisto Protocol. It's unlikely that any of this will change, but given that they had a faulty release, there's a chance that the developers might want to take some time out to review the files before release. The Callisto Protocol is still fresh, so there's a lot of ground to cover, and it will be interesting to see how things pan out for it in the near future.

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