Have Renee Zellweger & Bradley Cooper already split?

July 2024 · 3 minute read

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Yesterday, we had some early coverage of Us Weekly’s cover story this week, “Why Bradley Chose Renee”, which set up a new uncool Bermuda Triangle of Renee Zellweger, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Aniston. We didn’t have any kind of excerpt from Us Weekly – only a similar story on People about why Bradley and Renee “just clicked”. Since Us editor Janice Min left the publication a few weeks ago, I’ve noticed a really significant drop-off in the quality of Us’s online content. However, it seems like the print editions are consistently keeping up the quality of bitchiness, because I just read an excerpt from the cover story. In the words of Jezebel, “This article was written by someone on Team Renée, because it is very derogatory towards Jennifer Aniston.” Here’s the rundown:

Bradley Cooper and Renée Zellweger: “It’s on,” says a source. A source says Jen feels “rejected and upset” and “screwed over” and “doesn’t see what Renée has that she doesn’t.”

But! Another source points out that guys like Renée because she is “so no-drama,” “she just does her thing, has her life, and is cool.” Also: “She’s really happy, she doesn’t need anyone to feel complete. She isn’t absorbed by Hollywood.”

Whereas Jennifer “won’t date a normal guy. She goes after the hottest thing of the moment – -what she knows will get her the most time in the spotlight.”

Bradley Cooper once said, when it comes to a woman: “I’d say authenticity is the only prerequisite.” Apparently Jennifer Aniston is “not natural” and everything she does “is an act.” Renée is “super fun” and is always “laughing and optimistic about life.” And! “People want to be with her because she makes them happy.”

[From Us Weekly via Jezebel]

This triangle is getting coverage in other tabloids too – OK! has a story about Jen telling Renee she could “have” Bradley because “Jen is bored with the whole thing… She’s less interested in Renée than in why she’d choose a guy who’d be interested in someone like Renée. She’s disappointed in herself more than anything…”

Unfortunately, this morning Page Six is already calling an end to Renee and Bradley. Well, not really. They’re just asking why this alleged couple is taking such pains to avoid being with each other after their ass-grabbing Barcelona holiday:

RENEE Zellweger stepped out without rumored beau Bradley Cooper at Tuesday night’s celebration for her new movie, “My One and Only.” She went to Rouge Tomate on 60th Street for the Skyy Vodka after- party and was spotted “chatting up two good-looking guys at the bar.”

Meanwhile, Cooper brought his parents instead of Zellweger to Alyssa Milano and David Bugliari’s wedding Saturday in New Jersey, where Jeremy Piven played drums with the Starlight Orchestras.

[From Page Six]

Don’t they know that when you’re “dating” you are supposed to spend every waking moment with each other, walk every red carpet, attend every event together? Right? So… are Bradley and Renee for real? Are they already over? Were they even something to begin with? I think People Magazine’s source probably had it right yesterday when they said, “They’re not ready for red carpets. They don’t want to be public just yet.”

Renee Zellweger is shown at the premiere of The September Issue at the MOMA in NY last night. Bradley Cooper is shown on 6/17/09. Credit: WENN.com
