Was Takeoff sacrificed? Gematria Halloween conspiracy theory explored as claim goes viral

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Rapper Takeoff's devastating death has taken the world by shock. Fans seem inconsolable after hearing the news, turning to conspiracy theories to find a reason for his untimely death.

The Migos rapper was shot in the head on Tuesday, November 1, at 2:30 am in a bowling alley in Houston, Texas. The debacle occurred during a dice game, after which the rapper was shot dead. Two other people were injured in the incident but managed to survive.

Takeoff's death theorized (image via Image Press Agency/Nurphoto)

Though it is understood that Takeoff died due to a shot to the head, fans and theorists can't help but wonder why it happened so early and so tragically. The rapper was only 28 years old when he died.

Theories take flight. Some think it is because he had Sanpaku eyes, while others believe Gematria practices backed his death.

Takeoff's death sparks sacrifice conspiracy

According to Jewish traditions, Gematria is the practice of assigning a number to every letter of the Hebrew alphabet - alpha = 1, beta = 2, and so on. Practitioners of Kabbalah, or Jewish Mysticism, have largely used this method to interpret religious texts.

Each letter of the word is added up to give the word a final numerical value. It is then compared to other words of the same numerical value to decipher a deeper meaning and understanding of the world.

An example of a complete Gematria calculator (image via Facebook/Gematria School)

Fans have done the math with Takeoff's death and think this method explains the tragic event as a sacrifice. In pop culture, Gematria has a spooky reputation rather than scholarly, and the fact that the rapper died on Halloween night is not lost on them.

It is said that if you put Takeoff's name in the Gematria calculator, you get the numerical value of 64, which is the same as that of the dice game. If you put his real name, Kirshnik Khari Ball, you get 173, which happens to be that of "Black Lives Matter."

The theory does not say much other than that since there are many letters in the English alphabet, the chances of many phrases churning out the same numerical values are high, and coincidences start to occur.

Another theory that went viral was that Takeoff was sacrificed for the sake of the Illuminati. The rapper released the song Messy with his uncle and bandmate Quavo just hours before he died. Fans seem to think that the music video holds many clues and predictions about his death.

In the music video, Quavo is seen with a gun and a contract that has 'Migos' written in bold, and immediately after, the camera pans to Takeoff standing next to a grim reaper sign that has 'RIP' written on it. Fans seem to think that the music video was sending subliminal messages, and that the rapper was sacrificed.

Coincidentally, in one of the rapper's final posts on Instagram, he accompanied an image with the song Stop Breathing by Playboy Carti. This information has also added to the conspiracy.

Dice games, gun fights, gambling, and death-related imagery have been central to many hip-hop tracks by successful artists who are still alive. Grief-stricken fans have taken to conspiracy theories to try and understand things beyond their reach.

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